Christian 'Chili' Gallei
Christian 'Chili' Gallei

About me:

I work as an art director and video artist in the competing area between art, culture and advertising.My education as an electrical engineer combined with a degree in advertising and marketing at the Vienna University of Economics, form the perfect base for my creative work (since 1987). 


I create my works usually to a given topic, at various levels, in multiple layers. Holistic collages of images, graphics, animations, movies, sounds, text and music. The output can be a logo, an ad, a videoclip, a poster, an internet site, a stage for a theater play, a video-installation ... 

Cultural organizations benefit that I am fully trained in marketing and advertising. In the economic sphere, it is of advantage that I am familiar also with drama and spectacle. Internet technologie and social media as a complement personal interest give additional synergy.


Recent milestones:

Since 2002 I am the Art Director and Head of Corporate Design for the Rabenhof Theater Wien. Meanwhile, the best attended OFF theater in Vienna. 319 performances, 83,821 visitors in the 2011 season.

2007 together with 2 physicists and a comedian co-founder of Science Busters. A multimedia science show with more then 300 live performances in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Lichtenstein over 4 years.


2008 University Lector at FH St. Pölten - Flashdesign

In 2009 I designed and set up an internet video channel on Science 2 People for Kapsch (worldwide market leader on road toll systems).

2011 ten short videos for the Austrian national television (ORF) to promote the Nordic World Ski Championship in Oslo (Norway).

2011 honored as Communicator of the Year by the Austrian PR Association for Science Busters.


2013 CDIA (Cities Development Initiative For Asia) Annual Meeting, Annual Book and stage design


2015 ADB (Asian Development Bank) Innovation Campaign


2016 DIE TAGESPRESSE SHOW - art director, set designer, video artist for the project which brought the famos satire magazine alive on a theater stage at the Rabenhof Theater, Vienna.


2018/19 QUANTENSPRUNG ... science magazine on TV 

A multifaceted roadshow through the world of science presented on ORF III (Austria)


2018  BYZANZ & DER WESTEN - 1000 vergessene Jahre  


2019 INTERNAL AUDITING MADE SIMPLE by Chili Gallei. Book and Video.


2020 LK WR. NEUSTADT neu


2022 Rabenhof goes Bezirke






2023 20 Jahre Rabenhof Theater


2024 Climate Change Action Plan Cover


Much more:

My portfolio book can also be seen online or downloaded as pdf.



Chili Gallei, CV
Chili Gallei, CV

Ich bin ein Geschichtenerzähler.


  • 1961 Geburt in der Buckligen Welt, NÖ
  • 1980 Umzug nach Wien
  • Ingenieur der Elektrotechnik, HTL
  • Werbung und Verkauf, WU Wien
  • langfristige Arbeit als Grafiker
  • frühe Video-Animationen am PC
  • Bühnenbildner Theater der Jugend, Ensemble Theater, Theater in der Josefstadt, Volksoper Wien u.a. 
  • Art Director Rabenhof Theater
  • lebt und arbeitet in Wien und Manila
  • stetig aktualisierte Performance in verschiedensten Medien und unterschiedlichsten Technologien.


In den Arbeiten baue ich meine Geschichte um ein meist vorgegebenes Thema, auf verschiedenen Ebenen, in mehreren Schichten. Collagen aus Bildern, Grafiken, Animationen, Filmen, Sounds, Musik, Texten.


Aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen entsteht ein Ganzes, ein einheitliches Bild in Optik und Philosophie. Jegliche Imagination folgt einem Ziel:

Die identitätsbildende und unverwechselbare Wahrnehmungswelt.


Im Theaterbereich profitiert man davon, dass ich umfassend in Marketing und Werbung ausgebildet bin. Im Wirtschaftsbereich davon, dass mir Dramaturgie und Regie nicht fremd sind. IT-Programmierung und Web-Technologien ergänzen als persönliches Interesse diese Synergien nicht gerade ungünstig.





Nobody Likes New Ideas.

We are a conservative species: try something as simple as standing, rather than sitting, in your next group meeting. How accepting were your peers? Conformity is deep in our biology. While talking about creativity is very popular, actually being creative puts your social status at risk. Anger is like gasoline. Danger in the first degree. But powerful as soon as you but it in a machine. I build my artworks step-by-step, combining ideas with art and media to create a coherent story line. Using images, graphics, animations, videos, sounds, music and text, which I blend into a harmonious, multi-layer collage designed to tell a cohesive story. I work as an art director and video artist in the competing area between art, advertising, design, culture and love. Take a shower.

There’s some kind of weird psychic link between showering and creativity.

Figuratively Abstract. Inspired by creative multi-disciplinary approaches in contemporary art and culture ... and coffee.